Lake Chelan Recreation
Development Foundation

Mission Statement:

To facilitate funding, design and construction of various recreational projects
in the Lake Chelan Valley to enhance the quality of life for residents and visitors.


The LCRDF is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation founded in 1999 to address the need for an indoor aquatics center. Over time, the mission of the Foundation has expanded to encompass a variety of recreation projects and organizations. Current Focus Areas for the Foundation are:

LAKE CHELAN WATER QUALITY  (Lake Chelan Research Institute)
Primary Goal:

  1. Protect Lake Chelan Water Quality, including:
    • Collect key water quality data
    • Explore Lake Chelan and its watershed
    • Create a model and database for the lake


Enhanced use of our BALL FIELDS
Primary Goal: 

  • Significantly increase the Fall, Spring and Summer use of existing ball fields in the Lake Chelan Valley


Primary Goals:

  • Facilitate development of a trail network in the valley meeting diverse trail uses and needs. 
  • Support the Lake Chelan Trails Alliance in its efforts to develop trails in the Lake Chelan Valley.


Primary Goal:

  • Support the Trust for Public Lands Long Range Planning Process starting in 2016.



Primary Goal:

  • Seek new funding opportunities for a Recreation and Community Center for the Lake Chelan Valley.



We encourage you to donate to LCRDF. You may identify one of the Focus Areas above in the “Dedication” section of the donation page or leave it blank if you wish your donation to be used for overall support of the Foundation.

You may also submit your donation by check to:

Lake Chelan Recreation Development Foundation
P.O. Box 202
Chelan, WA 98816

If you would like to support one of our Focus Areas, please note that in the memo line of your check.

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